Project Monthly give away information

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Project Monthly give away information��:dummy:

Hello dear��members of Ci
Did you know that we host �every monthly a give away
called Project monthly give away ?


:iconcreation-inspiration:Project monthly give away
our founder Tsuki-SoraRuki
Gives one month pm and one 3 month Premium membership :(away )
every month !
without your help she can't continue doing this

I want to help with the Monthly give away?
if you want to help you can donate any amount of :points: to  mariridoodleparadiseor Tsuki-SoraRukiprofile

and you will get feature on her page and 1 deviation will be add in our folder monthly give away donator!
~ prize list of how long you will be featured on her page~
~ prize list~
1 Points is one day featuring
10 Points = 1 week feature
20Points = 2 week feature
30Points= 3 week feature
50Points = 1 month feature
100Points = 2 month feature
200Points= 3 month feature
300Points = 4 months feature
400Points= 5 month feature
500Points=6 month feature
all points will be used to hand out Premium memberships
by telling your friend and watchers about it make a journal about the monthly give aways

After you donate, she will contact you :)

what is the monthly give way?
It's a fun event hosted by Tsuki (our founder)
in this event members of CI can win two Prizes for free :la:

3.How can I participate in this giveaway?

4.How will both winners be selected?
A random number generator will be used

5.Do I have to be a member of this group?
Yes it's only for members of CI
(however if you want to give the prize to a friend ,and your friend is not members we accept that ^^)

6.Can we give the prize to someone else?
Yes��If you are selected as winner, you can give this prize to a friend of yours
but please tell us that before you gave you your prize

7.What is the prize?
there are two prizes every week
one three month Core membership��+ one Month Core membership :happybounce:

8.who can win?
everyone��expect Tsuki-SoraRuki & Mariridoodleparaidse: (both accounts are from Tsuki)can't win because
she is the one that organized the give ways

9.When is the deadline?
On break at the moment

good luck everyone :la:

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Marc-F-Huizinga's avatar
Dropped 3 points on your account tsuki! ;)